Saturday, May 11, 2019

Audiobook Reviews on Online Book

Winner of 7 Literary Awards
๐ŸŒท TWO MONTHS AGO, I decided to offer the audiobook edition of my teen fantasy, The Crystilleries of Echoland, for reviews on I was hesitant at first. The community of book-lovers seemed focused on actual reading. I wasn't sure if reading with one's ears would appeal to them. Further, if the audiobook edition wasn't to their liking, they might give-up on a book they would have otherwise enjoyed reading.

For one reviewer this is exactly what happened. But for 8 others (so far) the audiobook proved to be a delight. They enjoyed the award-winning narrator I had chosen for the reading. They felt immersed in the unique atmosphere of Echoland. They lived in the story for a while.

๐ŸŒท NOW THAT ACX are offering enhanced promo codes for select books, I am thrilled to turn to again. I can't wait to share the codes and hear from more listeners.

Already, with the increase in reviews on Audible, I have seen a spike in sales. I have combined reviews from the Kindle and Audible editions in my Facebook ads, highlighting that many readers and listeners compare the story to the Harry Potter novels. Further, when Online Book Club listeners downloaded the book with a free code, this too counted as a sale.

๐ŸŒท THIS COMBINATION OF spontaneous sales and free-book-code sales, together with a rise in reviews, were responsible for why ACX selected The Crystilleries of Echoland to be included in the launch of their generous Enhanced Promo offer of 100 free audible book codes.

If you are an author with a professionally produced audiobook, I highly recommend reaching out to Scott at to find out if you can benefit from interacting with this rich community of book-lovers.

Best of luck to you!


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